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Risograph Color Chart 🌈


Color Chart

版权所有 Copyright © Monster Workshop 怪兽工坊

🌈 Updated in February 2023

What's Risograph

* 提供给「怪兽工坊™」客服的制作文件,请以 Risograph 专色的「英文名」为准,备注在 文件的 图层/通道 中,切勿备注 PMS/RGB/HEX 色值。(Risograph 一律以专色的「英文名」为准印刷制作)

* 请特别注意!电子版色卡及颜色近似数值仅供参考,实际印刷颜色与电子设备屏幕显示颜色存在较大色差,电子版色卡「不代表实际印刷颜色」。电子版色卡颜色表内的 PMS/RGB/HEX 色值,均为 Risograph 专色的近似值(是我们根据 Risograph 实物颜色对照其他颜色标准找到的近似色),并非标准的 Risograph 专色色号。实际印刷颜色,务必以「怪兽工坊™」提供的「纸质版色卡实物」为准。

* Please note that the digital colors chart and color values are for reference only. There is a large chromatism between the printed color and the display color of the electronic device screen.

* 请使用由「怪兽工坊™」提供的纸质版色卡校准实物颜色。 如需购买纸质版色卡,欢迎访问 微博@怪兽工坊MonsterWorkshop 或 怪兽工坊淘宝店铺

* Please use the paper color chart provided by Monster Workshop™ for calibration. If you need to buy the paper colors chart, please contact Instagram @monsterworkshop_studio or visit Taobao / Pinkoi shop.

* 限定色为「怪兽工坊™」独家定制 RISOINK,欢迎使用~

* The limited colors are exclusively customized RISOINK and Only at Monster Workshop™.

* 声明:以上内容版权所有 © 怪兽工坊™;本网站不是 Risograph 的通用网站,不具备普遍性和通用性,仅供本店内使用;请勿复制、转发;禁止转帖或转载他用。

* Notice. Copyright © Monster Workshop™. This website is not the universality of Risograph and is only used in Monster Workshop™. Do Not Copy, Repost, Reprint or use it for other purposes.

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